Friday, May 3, 2013

How is amenorrhea treated?

Last but not least in this series, how is amenorrhea treated? All of the sources I've consulted say more or less the same thing and that's: treat the underlying cause, and your period will come back.

That sounds pretty easy, right? Probably not. If I've learned anything, it's that the body and how it regulates itself if complex; however, I suppose in theory it sounds simply enough.

If your period stopped because you're over or under weight, achieve a health weight (whatever a healthy weight is).

Stopped because of olycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (sorry, I didn't talk about this)? Treat PCOS, which has a variety of solutions such as: hormone treatment (often oral contraceptives); improve the body's sensitivity to insulin through other medications (e.g. metformin); fertility medications; or surgery.

If your thyroid isn't working properly, again, you're likely going to be put on medication to regulate the thyroid, or possibly undergo radiotherapy.

You get the point, right? This seems to be a cause and effect situation, where once you've pinned down the problem, the solution should be possible to identify.

In my case, because my blood tests came back normal (I did 2 sets, several months apart), and I have no history of health problems, the cause is vague. The first doctor I saw said it could take as much as a year for my period to return, and even the second one said that period return times varied widely between women. Further, the second doctor had suggested after several visits the next step in my treatment process would be to go back on the pill--just for a month or two to get things re-started.

Unfortunately, I have no desire to go back on the pill, ever. So I'm going to wait.

Here's a link for the National Institute of Health (UK):

Here's a link for the National Institute of Health (US):

Here's a link to a health clinic in the US, the Cleveland Clinic:

Here's another link to a health clinic in the US, the Brown University Health Clinic:


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